The Scruffs Chapter 7 Video

The Scruffs Chapter 7 Video Average ratng: 6,8/10 7662 votes

Sorry this took too long. Lots of other stories to write and life keeps getting in the way. But, I am here with a fully new chapter as promised. It took a little while because I'm not very good at writing Spider-Man fight scenes but I hope this excites you. Sorry about the last chapter, Writers Block and all. Okay, before I start rambling useless things, without further ado..


Not many impressive descriptions for these videos. Complete The Scruffs: Return of the Duke Walkthrough & Strategy Guide. News Genres Walkthroughs Videos Store; Social Menu. Chapter 6: Patience; Chapter 7: Benevolence; Chapter 8: Integrity; Chapter 9. Collection items search – At the beginning of each chapter the knight will ask you to.

Peter swung through the streets on thin, silvery white webs. The wind spiked through his skin, he could hear and see everything around him as he swung with instinctive grace and precision. He shot a web at another building, lifting his whole body up with it with a grunt. His feet brushed against the concrete as he pushed one foot onto the edge, twirling in the air before diving head first.

For a moment, he let himself fall. The wind was loud in his ears and it clung to his skin. Butterflies busted into the pit of his stomach and the adrenaline was coarsing through his veins. He could even hear the drumming of his own heart. He closed his eyes; oh he could so get used to this.

After waiting a little too long, Peter shot a web at a wall, swinging his legs back as he flew into the cold and harsh air. Twirling and swinging in the air, he let a loud, jubilant, 'Whooo Hoooo!' And he yelled like a little kid would during a roller coaster ride; only this was better.

After a few minutes, he finally clung on top of a lamppost, a few feet away from the bank that was about to be robbed. His eyes skimmed the area. It looked alright; apart from a few scruffs and scratches around the glassy windows, nothing was out of the ordinary.

Well, except for one thing.

A huge black van was parked in front, a streak of light shinning on top of the roof. The teen arachnid saw a couple of goon-looking guys standing on either side of the entrance, guns in hand. With his enhanced hearing, Peter heard a few shouts of 'Hurry up!' and 'The cops are gonna be here!' and even a 'Relax, I'm going, I'm going!'.

Peter strained his ears to hear for any cop cars, and..nothing. The men in blue were probably driving on the way. But the time they get here, the robbers will probably be gone by then. He narrowed his eyes, 'Not on my watch, goonies.'

With a fluid leap in the air, the teen swung himself into the back of the building, sliding into the window. He reluctantly spread his arms out, being cautious and that sort..of thing..? His eyes roamed through the dark room, and he could distinctly hear voices below him.

Slowly, he walked forward, one hand grasping the railing. He saw a few men in black (haha! He made a pun!), kneeling on one knee, most stuffing large stacks of dollar bills and coins into a few bags; some even took already stuffed bags.

The teen thanked the lord for all those martial arts books and videos he read/watched. Using what he read, he waited for the right moment to strike, watching them intently. Although he was a little surprised none of them noticed the bright red and blue clad spider watching them from above the balcony. Thieves were so stupid sometimes..although he was just assuming that from T.V shows and books.

After a minute or two, the four robbers in the room slung their bags over their shoulders, nasty chuckles and nods filling the whole room. They all took a step forward to the door, and that's when Peter made his move.

He shot out a web to the wall opposite to him, and with lightning speed, he swung over to one of the unsuspecting robbers, legs stretched out in front of him, screaming out a, 'Cannonball!'

The robbers stopped in their tracks, tilting their heads when they heard someone shout, muscles taut. One of them let out an indignant squawk, eyes growing to the size of saucers. In a streak of light the windows supported, a red and blue blur crashed into him, knocking him to the wall (and knocking him unconscious), bags falling out of place.

'What the hell?!'

'What was that?!'

'Get the guns!'

A thump was heard, and the red and blue clad figure crouched in front of them. Through the very limited light provided in the room, silvery white sharp and menacing bug eyes stared back, the guy's head tilted. They all stared, wide eyed. Their hearts thumped loudly in their chests, ears thumping. The criminals in room started to sweat, inching closer their hands to their guns.

Who the heck was this guy? Was he some kind of a cop? A..weirdly dressed cop?

The figure nodded his head in a greeting gesture, 'Sup, guys.' he said in a cheery voice, voice sounding all high-pitched, kinda like a kid. One broke out of his stupor, eyes ablazed, 'Who the hell are you?!' he demanded, hands now gripping his gun as he pointed it at the..whatever he was.

The bug eyed guy seemed to shrug, 'Yeah, sorry. I haven't really figured out my 'superhero name' or whatever. Just call me your friendly neighborhood..' he faltered, thankful for the mask hiding his blushing face, 'You know what, never mind.' he mumbled.

One of the other robbers lips quirked up in a cruel smirk, 'Whatever, bug.' he spat. With one step closer to the door, he reached out for his gun, close to pulling the trigger..

..when a white substance clung to it.

An indignant squawk escaped his lips, and his eyes widened when the gun was tugged out of his grip, nearly popping his shoulder. The robber that stood next to him raised a surprised brow, a shaking hand reaching for his own gun, 'What the he -'

'Nuh-uh. Language, people!' the red and blue clad spider mockingly scold, waggling a disapproving finger. He positioned his hands as the silvery white glue thing sprouted out of his wrists, tugging both of the men's gun.

Webbing the guns to the ceiling, the teen flipped over his head, the robbers nearly having a heart attack when a fist connected to their jaws, flinging them backwards. Both fell on their backs, groaning. One robber took out his gun, shakily pulling the trigger.


Peter's spider-sense went off like a fire alarm, and he expertly dodged the blow, landing in a low crouch. He turned his head to find the one who attempted to shoot him standing in a corner, his gun slipping his fingers, eyes wide. The arachnid smirked under his mask, and like a streak of lightning, webbed the guy in the face, 'Y'know, you really have a funny way of welcoming the new guy in town.' he taunted as he folded his arms over his chest, walking around the robbers and webbing them in cocoons.

Two came out, and without enough time to acknowledge what happened, both faces were webbed up, and one guy was kicked in the gut, an arm pinning him to wall. The spider teen stuck a web with his free hand, tugging the other one forward, quickly webbing his whole body. He turned his head back to the other one, who muffled unkind words and protests. Peter webbed his wrists, taking a step back after he ripped off the webbing on the guy's face, like a band aid.

The thief screamed out in pain with a swear, eyes shut in agony. He suddenly found his upper body wrapped in something that looked like a spider web, trapping him to the wall. His head shot up to find the perpetrator, glaring spitefully at the red and blue guy who looked like a spider.

Peter chuckled in spite of himself. It was ridiculous; these guys were 10x his whole body weight and he took them in out in just a few mere minutes. They were beaten by a high school nerd who couldn't even hurt a fly if he wanted to. Now he was wondering if this is why Flash and the whole football team picked on the little guys.

A growl dragged him out of his thoughts, 'Hey! Let me out of this!' the thief demanded. There was a series muffled echoes agreeing with him. He shook his head, wagging a finger, 'No can do, pappy.' he said before flinging himself to the back window as soon as he heard footsteps approaching as police sirens whirred in the nighttime air, robbers in the room panicking.

'You can't leave us here! Get me out!' the robber cried out, wide eyed with fear and anger. As the teen turned his head back to him, hands sticking to the wall as he heard the footsteps of the cops coming closer and closer, 'Sorry, dude. You do the crime, you do the time.'

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A police officer entered the room just as the spider left, only catching a glimpse as he drew out his gun, 'Hey!' he barked despite the figure escaping the window left, running off into the night without a trace.

A few cops shuffled hurriedly into the room, inspecting the area. One officer bent down to his knees bent, hands bushing the web like material. 'What the hell?' he murmured to himself.

'A bank robbery took place last night at Houston. And eye witnesses along with a officers themselves saw something that was..out of the ordinary - even for New York. It seems to be that we have a new 'superhero' roaming our streets, seemingly to be handling the petty crime of town.'

Nick Fury's head snapped up, turning sharply to the T.V his nephew - Trey - was watching.

The boy himself was sprawled out on the chair in Fury's office, a bowl of popcorn sitting in his lap. The T.V produced a soft, colorful glow in the dark room, decorating Trey's and Fury's heads. Trey chewed noisily on his popcorn, mindlessly munching as he watched any show he could find.

Trey's eyes were dull, bored as flipped through channels, growing bored as he couldn't settle for anything at all interesting. Finally, he gave up and settled for the news - partly because Fury asked in a tone that dared to disobey him.

'- we have here, Chief Officer, George Stacy, sharing his opinion on this new vigilante. Captain?' the reporter on the T.V said as she passed her microphone to the officer next to her. He offered her a quick thanks before turning his gaze to the camera, expression hard as stone' but his eyes were slightly gentle - only slightly.

'It came as a shock to all of us. Another superhero. Here, in our very own Big Apple. Now, we weren't sure if this guy was really on our side at first - especially when one of the officers saw him escaping the crime scene. Another one of ours then found this weird, web thing covering all of the thieves, and I wasn't really sure whatto think.' George Stacy said as he waved his hand to empathize his point.

On the screen, he held up a finger, 'However, last night, a woman came running to us to report a mugging. And she took us to see the perpetrator when we found him in the same web material, strung by it on a lamppost. She told us she saw some red and blue guy in tights - and noted, she said she saw a red spider insignia on his back - and he fought off the guy, saving her. And you know what she said?' a smile curved upwards on his lips, 'She said that guy was a real hero.'

Trey quirked up an eyebrow, leaning forward in interest, unaware of his uncle hovering over him as his eye bored into the T.V, his face a hidden mystery. 'Now, I'm not sure if I like some random,' he faltered for a second, 'Spider guy doing our job for us, fighting off petty crime when we already have so many heroes saving our world. But I would like to thank this spider guy for getting there and helping us out when we were too late. So thank you,' he tilted his head, eyes narrowed, like he was trying to remember something.

The chief officer shrugged one shoulder, a smile plastered on his lips, 'Thank you, Spider-Man.'

Trey and Nick watched as the officer handed back the microphone to the female reporter, tipping his hat in thanks before walking off screen, and she smiled curiously as she spoke, 'Well, there you have it, folks. Looks like Spider-Man,' a small giggle, 'Our newest and uprising hero of New York, is helping our officers out. So thanks-a-million, Spider-Man.' she said with a wink.

The T.V popped into a dark, black hole. Trey turned his head to find his Uncle gazing away, eyes narrowed, lips set in a thin line. He tilted his head, waving a hand in front of his uncle's face, 'Uh, Uncle Fury? You okay? Hellooo?' he called out. The Director of SHIELD didn't even blink, his steely gaze burning holes into the blank television.

Nick Fury quirked a brow, 'Hmmm.' was all he said before he turned on his heel, walking out of the room, leaving a confused nephew of his, hands clasped behind his back, footsteps silent as a wave, 'Trey, keep me updated on this Spider-Man.' he called out before disappearing out of his confused nephew's sight, silent and hard as a rock.

'And now, we present to you, the winner for Youngest Scientific Achievement Award: Peter Parker!'

There was a series of dull claps, a few overshadowed by exhilarated clapping (mainly from the chess team and science club), accompanied by a few shouts by teachers, Peter's Aunt May, and Trey.

The Man Of The Hour himself, in the form of Peter Parker in a lab coat with a clipboard in his hands, walked up to the podium, fanboying on the inside as he got closer to one of his idols: Dr. Otto Octavius.

He walked up to the podium with a bashful smile quirked upwards, trying not to meet anyone's gaze. He climbed onto the steps and shook his principal's, a few other scientist's hands and his eyes locked onto Dr. Octavius.

Otto Octavius regarded the boy with a kind smile and an impressed brow quirked up, taking his hand in his with a firm shake, 'Peter Parker,' he acknowledged, handing the boy's trophy and award as flashes of bright spots filled the room.

Peter smiled up at him and willed himself not to fanboy right there and now, mindlessly nodding and smiling as cameras clicked and spots of white flashed for a second on his face, smiling like the gentleman he was for the pictures.

'H-hi Dr. Octavius,' he mentally slapped himself for stuttering, 'I-I've read all about your work on bioengineering.' he said with a smile. Octavius nodded, 'And you understood it?' he probed with a slight smirk. The teen nodded like he just pleased a superhero, 'Yes, I-I wrote a paper on it.'

Octavius was by far impressed with the young boy. If he guessed correctly, he had assumed him to be fourteen-years-old, nearly fifteen. And from what he observed, no one in that age group would understand - or even read - all about his work, let alone write a paper about it; it was incredibly rare.

An impressed smile curved upwards, 'Impressive. I like you, Parker. I've heard nothing but good words from all your teachers and your fellow club-mates.' A blush rushed to the teen's cheeks as he grinned cheekily. 'I heard you're an intern for Stark, correct?' Peter nodded with his lips pursed. Octavius nodded, 'I see. Well, I have to be perfectly honest with you, not a huge fan of that Tony Stark,' the teen chuckled along with Otto, who merely grinned as he said it.

Suddenly, Dr. Octavius reached in to his pocket, holding some card in-between his two fingers as he outstretched it to the teen. Raising a curious brow, Peter took it in his own hands as he eyes skimmed along the fine print. 'I'm always looking for brilliant interns like you to hire. If things don't work out with Stark Industries, give me a call.' he offered with a wink and smirk.

Peter looked up at him, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose (didn't need to raise any suspicions with his new alter-ego) and nodded with a small smile, 'I'll make a note of that.'

'Good. Hope to hear from you again, Parker.' he said as he walked away, arms linked with whom Peter assumed was his wife, Rosie, the back doors swallowing them whole.

Smiling to himself, tucking the card safely into his jean pocket, Peter looked on at the crowd, students clapping somewhat, his teachers praising him, and Aunt May clapping and proudly smiling at him with tears in her eyes.

Tears prickled his own eyes as they stung. He watched on with a sad smile as he forcefully swallowed down the lump settling into his throat. His principal patted him on the back with a smile, congratulating him, along with another scientist; Octavius's partner, Dr. Curt Connors. He briefly thanked them, never tearing his gaze off the huge crowd.

No. No, he was not going to cry. He was not going to break. Uncle Ben was gone. There was nothing he could do about that.

'Pfft. Yeah, except I was the cause of his death. There was a lot I could've done.' he thought bitterly to himself. His chest started to feel heavy, he couldn't breathe properly, and his eyes stung behind his fake lenses of glasses. He tried to take a deep breath, biting back a sob. He pursed his lips tightly, set in a straight line. He swallowed down the boulder of a lump, only angering it even more.

He squeezed his eyes shut, and a camera was headed straight for him. Eyes widening a fraction, his head whipped left and right, and to his right, he saw a door that led to a stack of stairs that led to the roof; good. The roof was good. It would clear his mind, give him some fresh air.

He quickly shuffled his way out of the auditorium, buzzing past a few shoulders with 'Excuse me's.' and practically ran out the door. With his super strength, he threw his trophy and certificate up on the roof, clanging against the concrete. His eyes drifting left and right, finding nobody around him, he clung to the wall, climbing over the edge of the roof as he landed with a sigh.

Picking up his discarded items, thankful they were without a scratch, he walked over to the opposite side of the building, softly setting down his items next to him, and folded his arms on the edge as he leant forward, taking in the sight.

The cool wind brushed his whole body, and he closed his eyes in content. He could hear cars honking and wails of police sirens coming by, taking a peek to see a police officer munching on a doughnut. And the teen restrained himself from bursting into a fit of giggles. Seriously? Way to go old classic cliche, officer.

Birds chirped by, which was quite rare in New York, considering there was more smoke every day than birds. Peter could smell smoke from a few alleyways, a few pastries of sweets and artificial goods, and a little bit of sourdough.

The large lump in his throat was still there, but the tears were blown away, and he sniffed quietly to himself. God he missed Uncle Ben. He wanted him to be here, he really did. And thanks to him - because of his stupid mistake, because he was too selfish to think about anyone but himself - Uncle Ben could only watch him from the grave.

It wasn't supposed to be this way. Uncle Ben and Aunt May were supposed to be in that room, clapping and smiling on proudly from the crowd. And they were supposed to go out for dinner, Uncle Ben patting him on the back, smiling like a father would to his son, and tell him how proud he was. And Peter ruined it.

Tibia fibula. The fibula or calf bone is a leg bone on the lateral side of the tibia, to which it is connected above and below.It is the smaller of the two bones and, in proportion to its length, the slenderest of all the long bones. Its upper extremity is small, placed toward the back of the head of the tibia, below the knee joint and excluded from the formation of this joint. Tibia and fibula are the two long bones located in the lower leg. The tibia is a larger bone on the inside, and the fibula is a smaller bone on the outside. The tibia is much thicker than the fibula. It is the main weight-bearing bone of the two. The fibula supports the tibia and helps stabilize the ankle and lower leg muscles.


He started, startled. Whirrling around lightning quick, his eyes widened comically. There, standing there with a gentle smile, was Gwen Stacy.

'Hey, Pepper, look at this.' Tony Stark muttered, but loud enough for her to hear. Pausing in her tracks, fingers frozen as they brushed against the mountains of paper work, she raised a brow and walked over to her husband.

'What is it?' she asked, looking over his shoulder as he watched something on the screen. Tony pursed his lips, arms folded over his chest, eyes narrowed in skeptical curiosity. 'I'm not exactly sure yet, but..' he trailed off as he ran a hand over his disheveled hair.

After taking a short break, finding himself with nothing to do but watch the news, Tony found himself..somewhat surprised at what he watched. A new superhero in town. It would be an understatement to say Tony wasn't already interested in this guy. After asking JARVIS to bring everything up on the guy, all the A.I could find was a blurry video produced by some witness standing by.

Other than that, he had found almost nothing on the guy. Just the dark, hard to see, blurry video. From what he saw, the guy seemed to be travelling by..webs (and the fact that Officer Stacy informed everybody at the robbery). Tony was only a little frustrated. This guy could be a potential threat, but after he heard about the robbery and mugging, he had dismissed the idea.

Remembering he had company standing next to him, the billionaire cleared his throat, 'There seems to be a new superhero in town. Spider-Man. Which is completely obvious. I mean, seriously, who names himself 'Spider-Man'?' he said with a snort, smirking.

Pepper fondly rolled her eyes, perking up, 'Oh, I'm sorry, Tony, but are we getting a little jealous of the competition?' she joked teasingly at him, grinning. Tony shrugged one shoulder coolly, looking over at the screen again, 'Please. I fly, he..web swings. I'm still cooler.' he rebuked with a dismissive wave.

Pepper mockingly nodded, 'Right.' she chuckled, looking at the blurry video, eyes concentrated, 'But he does seem pretty fast,' she tilted her head, eyes squinted, '..and a little small.' she turned her head at Iron Man, a knowing smile edging her lips, 'I'm assuming you're gonna look in to this guy?' she probed.

Tony stole a quick glance at her, nodding slightly, 'When I can get a little more info into this guy. Then I'll look in to him later on.' his gaze peeled to the ceiling, 'Jarvis, gather every info you can find on Spider-Man.' he called out to the ceiling.

Already on it, Sir. the artificial intelligence spoke. Tony nodded, looking back at Pepper, clapping his hands together with his famous smirk.

'Wanna go get some dinner?'

A/N: Okay, sorry that this isn't as long as you probably hoped it would be, but if I'm being honest..I have no idea where I'm headed with this story. But I like writing it and I can feel a plot brewing. I hoped you guys liked it and I kinda thought it would be sorta cool for Fury to have a nephew who's best friends with Spider-Man. Don't ya think? Anyway, I'm glad I finished this. I really hope you enjoyed it. Next update will be soon. Probably after I'm done with LWT. Which I'm about to work on the new chapter. Bye!