Bravely Default Summons

Bravely Default Summons Average ratng: 8,6/10 8498 votes

Beat Bravely Default with!has a total of 24 Jobs available, and they all vary in abilities, weapons and specialties. Here, we break down all 24, with packed-charts showing costs, descriptions, level requirements and names of all abilities for each Job. We also note some of the best combinations—in other words, which ones work well together. For easy navigation for this guide, all Jobs are in alphabetical order.Two jobs can be combined with the benefit of using unique abilities; one with a primary command, and then the second with support abilities (or job command). When you assign a character with a primary job, take note that you're automatically given the Specialty, which is always a skill on the job's ability list (with the exception of the Freelancer).

Bravely Default / / Lv. A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / damage / wards / damage to objectives etc.

In addition, Specialties don't use slots.Remember, you must purchase magic scrolls at Magic Shops, in addition to the Job Level required, before you're able to use them. Summons are acquired from Elemental Sages in dungeons, where you'll need to survive each summon attack to claim it.As always, special thanks to Pete Davison from.Chart Key. (S): Specialty. BP: Brave Points. MP: Magic Points. HP: Hit Points. SA: Support Ability (Slot).

Lv.: Job LevelArcanistAn Arcanist's primary focus is casting dark spells (most efficiently with rods), but this generally doesn’t work against stronger enemies. Combine this job with a Black Mage or Dark Knight to increase your magic attacks.Lv.AbilityCostDescription1Corpse4 MPCast Doom on an enemy (75% success rate).2Black Magic Amp1 SABlack magic's MP costs 1.5 times more, but deals 1.5 times the damage. Works with Max Black Magic.3Exterminate4 MPDark damage increases towards poisoned allies and enemies.4Absorb M. Damage (S)1 SAHeals HP equal to 25% of magic damage. Poison attacks and KO are excluded.5Twilight9 MPDefeats target in a sleep state.

Does not work with bosses and certain enemies.6Save BM MP2 SABlack magic's MP cost reduces by 25%.7SacrificeIncrease magic attack by 50% for three turns while sacrificing 25% of max HP. Atk limit is 150%.8Zero1 SAMagic attack damage increases by 1.5 times when MP's last digit is zero.9Convergence3 SAGroup-cast magic damage increases by 1.5 times for a single enemy.10Annihilation4 MPDark-based attack on everyone with negative BP. Damage increases towards ones with lesser BP.11Status Ailment Amp1 SAChances to cast status infringements rise.12Iniquity4 MPDark-based magic attack on everyone with positive BP. The higher BP, the more damage.13Max Black Magic3 SADoubles Black Magic's MP use, but deals 1.5 times more damage.


Can be used with Black Magic Amp.14Interment210 MPDeal powerful dark magic to all enemies.Black MageA Black Mage can cast various elemental attacks, and is quite handy in dealing with enemies that have magic weaknesses. Battle islands commanders is it for two players. Not only that, but Damage Dispersion is a useful tool that allows you to divide all the damage inflicted from an enemy across your entire party, making a hard hit seem like a slap. Rods are best equipped with them.Lv.AbilityCostDescription1Black Magic Lv.

1Use Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder spells.2Rod Lore1 SARods are bumped to S rank.3Black Magic Lv. 2Use Silence, Poison and Sleep spells.4Abate Fire1 SALowers damage from fire attacks.5Damage Dispersion1 SADivides 15% of damage received to whole party.6Silence Immunity1 SAGrants immunity to Silence.7Black Magic Lv. 3Use Fira, Blizzara and Thundara spells.8Black Resonance (S)1 SAParty's black magic damage increases; yourself excluded.9Black Magic Lv. 4Use Drain, Aspir and Fear spells.10M.

Attack 20% Up2 SAMagic Attack increases by 20%.11Black Magic Lv. 5Use Firaga, Blizzaga and Thundaga spells.12Pierce M. Defense3 SAIgnores enemy's Magic Defense.13Black Magic Lv.

6Use Dark, Kill and Death spells.14Group-Cast All3 SAAllows group-casting effects with non-group magic; excluding yourself.ConjurerSimply put, the Conjurer is going to help you raise all your magic attacks via summon spells. This isn't the most efficient class for serious battles, but perhaps the best way to grind (level up). Obliterate IMMEDIATELY ends a battle as long as you get the first strike—combine this with Alarm Earrings, and you'll build your characters in no time flat. They rank A with all weapons, and are a good match with a Summoner or other magic casters.Lv.AbilityCostDescription1Invocation Lv. 1Summons Girtablulu (Earth).2Steady MP Recover1 SAGain 30 MP after each turn.3Invocation Lv. 2Summons Hresvelgr (Wind).4Critical MP Recover1 SAReplenish 200 MP with -20% HP.5Invocation Lv. 3Summons Ziusudra's Sin (Water).6Save SM MP2 SASummon magic's MP cost decreases by 25%.7Post-Battle MP (S)2 SARestore 20% max HP after battle.8Invocation Lv.

4Summons Promethean Fire.9Obliterate4 SAInstantly ends a battle.10Invocation Lv. 5Summons Dues Ex (Lightning).11Max Summoning3 SADeals 1.5 times the summoning damage, but doubles Summon magic's MP cost. Works with Summoning Amp.12MP 30% Up3 SAMax MP increases by 30%.13Invocation Lv. 6Summons Sisano-o (non-elemental).14Experience Up1 SAGain 1.5 times the experience from battle.Dark KnightDark Knights are risk-takers that can pull off extremely powerful attacks while sacrificing the HP as the consequence.

The lesser HP, the more butt-kicking. Vampire's Back From the Dead is a useful combo, since you'll most likely be falling from battle, or a Spiritmaster to keep them standing with Absorption or Enigma. Equip them with swords or katanas.Lv.AbilityCostDescription1Dark BaneDark physical attack with 1.25 times the damage. Sacrifices 20% of HP.2Abate Dark1 SADamage from dark attacks lowers. Is not efficient with similar-effect items.3Adversity (S)1 SAPhysical and magic attacks, along with magic defense, increase by 10% for three turns when damage equals 25% of your max HP.4Demon Master6 MPCasts Charm on a demon enemy.5See You in Hell1 SADeal four times the damage to all enemies upon KO. Does not work with Raise.6Minus Strike16 MPDeal damage equal to HP reduced.7Helm Lore1 SAHelms are bumped to S rank.8Black BaneDeal 1.5 times the damage to all enemies while sacrificing 30% of your HP.9Gloom1 SADamage from dark attacks increase by 1.25 times with any equipment or ability.10Absorb MagicNulls magic attacks at the start of battle and absorbs MP. Does not work with Reflect.11Dark NebulaA dark attack that hits everyone with 1.5 times the damage.

30% of your max HP is sacrificed.12P. Attack 30% Up3 SAPhysical Attack increases by 30%.13Life or DeathPhysical/magic attacks and defenses increase by 50% for four turns, but causes Doom. Upper limit is 150%.14Rage2 BPPerforms Dark Bane repeatedly and randomly for five turns or when HP reaches 1.FreelancerThe Freelancer falls in line with a mix of all different abilities, and works fairly well with pretty much all weapons. It is the first-default job that everyone starts out with. Most notably is their use for venturing through dungeons, marking all unopened chests and becoming immune to any dungeon traps. Helpful for traditional fights and gaining some JP, or boosting stats.Lv.AbilityCostDescription1ExamineReveals enemy HP, Weakness, Family and stats.2TreatHeals 20% HP of ally.

Available during Silence.3Divining Rod1 SADisplays number of unopened chests on map.4Dungeon Master1 SAGrants immunity to dungeon traps.5MisleadLessens chance of being attacked.6Prayer8 MPMore chances to succeed with Chance-based abilities for 10 turns.7MP 10% Up1 SAMax HP increases by 10%.8EndurePhysical and magic defense increase by 25% for four turns. Limit is 150%.9Poison Immunity1 SAGrants immunity to Poison.10JP Up1 SAReceive more Job Points.11Flee1 SAAlways escape from battle. Does not work against bosses and in certain locations.12Lure Enemy1 SADoubles enemy-encounter rate.13Stand Ground3 SAGrants a better chance to survive with 1 HP.14MimicEmulates previous command of you or ally without effecting stats.(S)Late BoomerHP, Offense and Defense increase by 1% with every job mastered.KnightKnights are highly-defensive characters that can tolerate a ton of damage and reduce injury inflicted, thanks to their preference for armor, shields, etc. They can truly be a 'knight in shining armor' by guarding weaker members in the party with Protect Ally. They favor swords in combat.

Not bad for protection, but they tend to have mediocre attacks.Lv.AbilityCostDescription1StompAttack with 1.5 times more damage; physical and magic defense decreases by 25%.2Two-Handed1 SAAllows dual-wielding for a weapon. Single-wielded required first.3P. Defense 10% Up1 SAPhysical Defense increases by 10%.4Ironclad5 MPPhysical Defense is maxed for entire turn.5Protect Ally (S)1 SAGuards an ally with -20% HP.6Shield Strike8 MPDeals two-consecutive attack damage, raising physical defense by 25%.

Shield Required.7Shield Lore1 SAShields are bumped to S rank.8Vengeance1 BPStrikes all enemies with a physical attack. Damage increases with KO allies.9Sword Lore1 SASwords are bumped to S rank.10Full CoverGuards an ally from an attack and halves the damage.11Dual Shields1 SAAllows two shields to be equipped.12P.

Defense 30% Up3 SAPhysical Defense increases by 30%.13Chivalrous Spirit1 SAPhysical Defense increases by 25% for five turns with Protect Ally, Full Cover or White Knight.14Super Charge1 BPDoubles amount of physical defense, turning it into a physical attack.MerchantSome may not consider a Merchant a serious player, but it's one of the jobs you can access early on to earn a ton of money or spend pg like a celebrity. Want to bribe your way out of a tough fight and still reap the rewards? How about ripping off enemies by luring them into buying a potion for double the cost? You can do so with a Merchant.Lv.AbilityCostDescription1Pay to PlayCritical Rate increases by 300% when multiplying 50pg times your level. Limit is 1000%.2SalesmanLures an enemy to buy a recovery item from you for 2.4 times the price, depending on item.3White Knight1 SAAlly with most HP protects you from a single physical attack; HP must be -20%.4PharmacyBuy a recovery item and use it.5Hedge RiskDamage is halved for five turns by spending pg equal to half the damage you sustain.6TakeoverDeal damage based on 50pg times your level.7BP DrinkBoost your BP by purchasing BP recovery items.8Speculate1 SA50% chance of doubling your damage and 50% chance to inflict none.9More Money (S)2 SAEarn 1.5 times more pg. Does not work with similar items.10MillionaireGift a friend 25pg per level, allowing you to summon them.11Big PharmaHeal an enemy and make them pay the amount of HP recovered.12Full LeverageDamage, recovery, HP, MP and BP will be doubled for five turns on everyone, including enemies.13Low LeverageDamage, recovery, HP, MP, and BP will be halved on everyone for five turns, including enemies.14PayoffBribe an enemy to end the battle. You still receive EXP, JP and pg.MonkMonks are heavy hitters that can deal tremendous amount of damage.

The good news is they don't necessarily need a weapon to severely smack their foes, but are fit with knuckles. The drawback: they're best used without defensive equipment, making them vulnerable to even simple attacks.Lv.AbilityCostDescription1Strong StrikeDoubles damage, but has 50% of failing.2InvigoratePhysical attack increases by 25% for two turns. Chance of failing.3Inner Alchemy5 MPCures Poison, Silence, Dread and Confuse.4HP 10% Up1 SAMax HP increases by 10%.5Knuckle Lore1 SAKnuckles are bumped to S rank.6Hidden DragonDamage increases by 1.25 times at end of turn.7Qigoing Wave12 MPDamage increases by 1.25 times even with an enemy in Default.8Blind Immunity1 SAGrants immunity to Blindness.9P. Attack 10% Up1 SAPhysical Attack increases by 10%.10HP 20% Up2 SAMax HP increases by 20%.11Pressure Point1 BPDouble damage no matter the enemy's defense stats.12HP 30% Up3 SAIncrease max HP by 30%.13Phoenix FlightReduces HP to 1. Damage is based on HP-reduced amount.14Natural Talent1 SAPhysical attack with nothing equipped.NinjaNinjas are, well, just plain cool.

Katana being their weapon of choice, you'll slice and dice enemies in no time. Because of their incredible amount of evading tactics, stats and countering move, the Ninja stands alone as a superb attacker nobody would want to mess with. Unfortunately, their damage defense isn't the greatest, considering they're best used with dual weapons, though you can prevent this by pairing it with a Knight for dual shields (lowering offense, however).Lv.AbilityCostDescription1Shippujinrai16 MPBe the first to attack.2Transience1 SAEvade an attack and counter with moderate damage.3Evade 10% Up1 SAEvasion increases by 10%.4UtsusemiEvade one physical attack.5Comeback Kid1 SAMagic and Physical attacks increase by 25% for three turns. Physical attacks are also evaded. Limit is 150%.6Ikkikasei1 BPNumber of attacks increase by 100% for one turn. Limit is 200%.7Cleave1 SAChance to attack after defeating an enemy.8Evade 20% Up2 SAEvasion increases by 20%.9ShunshinMaximizes Evasion for six turns.

Evasion limit is 150%.10KairaiShuffles allies being attacked.11Dual Wield (S)2 SADuel-wielded weapons' P. Attack increases by 100%.12KakuremiChances of being targeted decreases for five turns.13Evade 30% Up3 SAIncrease evasion by 30%.14Frenetic Fighting2 SAAttack limits increase to 32.PerformerIf you find your party lacking strength, or need to boost your magic spells, a Performer is a good option. They have a high rank with staves, rods and daggers. Performers help deal with tougher foes you encounter.

Several jobs work well with this, especially magic casters.Lv.AbilityCostDescription1Love Power30 MPBoosts everyone's physical attacks by 25% for four turns. Limit is 150%.2Love Rush24 MPBoosts everyone's speed by 25% for four turns. Limit is 150%.3One More for You26 MPUser gains 1 BP.4Got Your Back24 MPBoosts everyone's physical defense by 25% for four turns. Limit is 150%.5Key to Your Heart24 MPBoosts everyone's magic defense by 25% for four turns.

Limit is 150%.6Support Amp1 SAStat-boosting effects increase by 10%.7Little Devil24 MPBoosts everyone's magic attack by 25% for four turns. Limit is 150%.8Catch Me12 MPChances of being attack rise for five turns.9Buff Up2 SAPhysical, Magic, Attack, Physical Defense and Magic Defense increase by 5% for five turns. Limit is 150%10Prolong Support1 SAStat-raising effects last longer.11Charm Immunity1 SAGrants immunity to Charm.12Salve Singing MP (S)2 SAMP cost of Singing decreases by 50%.13Zero Sum30 MPDrain all enemies or allies with 1 or more BP to zero.14My Hero2 BPRaises 1 BP for everyone.PirateEveryone at some point in their lives wants to be a Pirate. This optional job is one of the best classes in the game; gifted with high-physical offense to even the most intimating foes. Axes are their favorable weapon. More so, Pirates can decrease enemy attacks and their defense with proper abilities applied, leaving your party more comfortable when taking a hit.Lv.AbilityCostDescription1Double Damage128 MPDoubles damage to one enemy.2ProvokeIncrease chances of being attacked.3Shell Split9 MPEnemy's physical defense decreases by 25% for four turns.

Deals consistent damage. Lower limit is 75%.4Scale Strip9 MPEnemy's magic defense decreases by 25% for four turns. Deals consistent damage. Lower limit is 75%.5Shin Smash9 MPEnemy's speed decreases by 25% for four turns. Deals consistent damage. Lower limit is 75%.6Mass Attack1 BPAllies with - 20% HP attack the same time as you.7BerserkConsistently attack for six turns with P. Attack up 50%.

Does not work with boost effects.8Adrenaline Rush (S)2 SAPhysical Attack and Physical Defense increase by 50% for five turns when HP is -20%. Limit is 150%.9P. Attack 20% Up2 SAPhysical Attack increases by 20%.10Defang9 MPDeal moderate damage while decreasing enemy's physical attack by 25% for four turns.11Skull Bash9 MPDeal moderate damage while decreasing enemy's magic attack by 25% for four turns.12Axe Lore1 SAAxes are bumped to S rank.13Torrent2 BPPhysical water attack with.3 times the damage. Attacks one enemy 16 times.14Amped Strike256 MPDeal four-times greater damage to one enemy.RangerBest when equipped with a crossbow, the Ranger can put some serious hurt on your enemies. It fits the bill for a variety of battles—bug enemies, plants, beasts—you name it.

You'll occasionally get friends that have sent their special moves - the big flashy attacks that you probably only get to use once every 2-3 fights. From my experience with the EU version, the game does tend to give you friends that are roughly in the same level range or story progress as you. The big attack you got may have been someone from a little further in the story using a special attack like I said.Summon Friend can make the game's hardest fights a little too easy, but it's down to luck of the draw on who you get; whether it's someone who hasn't updated their summon since the tutorial, or somebody that purposefully tried to maximize damage. If you want a more balanced experience, try to only use the big ones when you absolutely need them.