Lufia The Legend Returns Walkthrough

Lufia The Legend Returns Walkthrough Average ratng: 9,3/10 8014 votes

Page 1LUFIA: THE LEGEND RETURNSGame FAQ (version 1.0)written by dekar10Email: evilryu1@yahoo.comAt present, this FAQ can only be found at www.gamefaqs.com1) INTRODUCTION-ABOUT THIS FAQ/GAME-CONTROLS-GAMEPLAY-FIGHTING LAYOUT2) WALKTHROUGH-EPSIS CONTINENT-LIDAL CONTINENT-FANTE CONTINENT-ROSPLETT CONTINENT3) SUBQUESTS-THE CAT RING-THE DRAGON EGGS-THE ANCIENT CAVE4) MONSTER LIST5) BOSS LIST6) BASIC EQUIPMENT LIST7) IP LIST8) HINTS AND TIPS9) COPYRIGHT1) INTRODUCTIONABOUT THIS FAQ/GAME-This is the first FAQ that I have written and it will probably be theonly one. Writing one really takes alot of time!:) But I will definitely update theFAQ when I have new information. Please e-mail me if you wish to provide stuff that Imissed out in the FAQ or if you want to comment on it or how I can improve it.Lufia: The Legend Returns is the third game in the Lufia series. The firstone is Lufia and the Fortress of Doom while the second is Lufia 2: The Rise of theSinistrals. By storyline, Lufia 2 is the first, followed by Lufia, and finally this one.I have played Lufia 2 before but not the original Lufia. Comparing Lufia 2 with thisgame, I have to say that many things have changed. The systems in the game have changeddrastically, especially the IP system.

Lufia 2 is a good game, possibly better thanLufia: TLR, but this is my own opinion. Try playing Lufia 2 if you have not yet, andmake your own judgement.This FAQ is not yet complete.

There is much to be filled in. The monsterlist is not yet complete, there are a few monsters that I have trouble gettinginformationon. So please bear with it for the meantime. The section on the Ancient Cave is rathersketchy too, as I have not explored it thoroughly. I also plan to add a Spells Sectionin the next update. I promise I will make the FAQ better than now, so drop me a note ifyou want to tell me how I can improve it, I will appreciate it very much!:)Hope this FAQ will help you in someway! ^^CONTROLSThe controls of the game are as follows:START: -Brings up the main menu-If on the Map screen, opens Save Log menu-If in a dungeon, hold and press direction button to turnSELECT: -On the world map, brings up Map screen-On the equipment menu, allows you to remove equipmentA: -Confirm selections-Hold and release in dungeons to use Wave(you can turn while charging)B: -cancel selections-Hold to run in dungeons and townsGAMEPLAYSPIRITUAL FORCE (a.k.a S.F.)-Spiritual force is the innate ability of a character.

It will affectthe stats of that character. Every character has his or her own type of S.F. Thereare 4 different types of S.F.:RED: Increases attack power(ATP)BLUE: Increases magic attributes(MAP and REG)GREEN: Increases defense and HP (DFP and HP)YELLOW: Increases speed and MP (SPD and MP)S.F. Will flow in a certain way that is explained in the fighting layout section.You can increase S.F.

Got a Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals walkthrough, FAQ or Guide? Use the submission form, or email them as attachments to are posted in their original, unaltered form. Nov 18, 2001  Lufia: The Legend Returns is the third game in the Lufia series. The first one is Lufia and the Fortress of Doom while the second is Lufia 2: The Rise of the Sinistrals.

By going to the Ancient Text section in the menu and usingLP (learning points). The amount of LP needed is the square of the present S.F.number.Example:Wein has 5 RED S.F.So his ATP increases by 5Amount of LP needed to increase to 6: 5x5=25ANCIENT TEXT-Ancient text can be found throughout dungeons in the game. Onceyou use it, it is gone. So there are infinite copies of Ancient Texts that canbe found in dungeons. Every dungeon will have its own Texts. You can check itemshops in nearby towns for information. After teaching a character an AncientText, it will become an IP.

All characters come with their own IPs, some uniqueand cannot be found. All Ancient Texts require a certain amount of S.F to belearnt.IP-It is a skill that a character has. When you use IPs, your IPmeter will be drained. Your IP meter is the bottom meter when you enter battles.The IP meter increases when you are hit, even if the attack misses. The amountof IP increased depends on how much damage is dealt to you, compared to yourcharacter's original HP. Every IP uses a certain amount of your IP meter. If thecharacter has the S.F.

That was required to learn the IP, the IP required willbe its normal. If the character does not(due to changes in positions), the IPrequired will be more.MAGIC-Magic can be learnt at churches in towns throughout the world.It takes fixed amounts of LP to learn magic and fixed amounts of MP to use it.There are also different elements of magic, with monsters being weak againstcertain types. Magic can also be used to travel, like Warp.SAVING THE GAME-You can only save the game at save point or church. The Save Logfunction is NOT a save game. After you load it, the log will disappear. Assuch, it is easy to lose a log.

The log is only to make stopping the gameeasier when you are in a dungeon or the Ancient Cave. So try to save properlyas much as you can. And save in multiple slots too, there have been many casesof people losing their save slots due to glitches.FIGHTING LAYOUTBATTLES AND POSITIONING-In battles, S.F. Flows in a particular way. You may not see theimportance of it yet as you only start with two characters at the beginning. Butlater on in the game, when you begin to have more characters, positioning becomesmore important. The positioning matrix looks like this:1 2 3 = 1st row4 5 6 = 2nd row7 8 9 = 3rd rowCharacters in the 1st row deal the most damage, but also receive the most.Likewise, characters in the 3rd row deal the most damage, but also receive theleast.

Should the characters at the front of the columns be killed in the sameround, you will lose the battle. For example, in the case above, if characters1, 2 and 3 are killed, you will lose the battle. But if everyone is dead exceptcharacters 5 and 9, if they are killed, you will lose the battle.There are times when you catch a monster by surprise and get to have a free roundof attacks.

You will see this when you get a 'Pre-emptive Strike!' Message at thestart of the battle. You can get this message if you attack a monster from theside or back. This is where the Wave comes in handy as it can stun monsters sothat you can sneak up beside it before it can move.There are also times when you are caught off guard by monsters. A 'SurpriseAttack!'

Message will appear and monsters will get a free round of attacks instead.When you are attacked off-guard, the positioning will also change. The order couldbe reversed such that the last row becomes the first instead, endangering yourparty as the weaker characters are now at the front(if you put your weakercharacters at the back). So avoid being attacked from the side or behind!S.F. FLOW-ExampleMatrix:1= 4 Red 2= 5 Green 3= 3 Yellow4= 1 Blue 5= 3 Red 6= 7 Green7= 5 Yellow 8= 5 Blue 9= 6 RedBasically, a character will get the benefits of the S.F.

Of characters that arein a straight line to them, no matter which direction.Character 1: 4 Red, 5 Green, 1 Blue and (3+5) YellowStat Bonuses: +4ATP, +5DFP/HP, +1MAP/REG, +8SPD/MP2: 5 Green, 3 Yellow, (4+3) Red, 5 Blue4: 1 Blue, 5 Yellow, (4+3) Red, 7 Green5: 3 Red, (5+7) Green, (1+5) Blueand so on.The way you want your S.F. To flow very much depends on who you want to boostand what kind of a team you wish to form. If you want to strengthen your party'sMagic Defense(REG), you can place characters with Blue S.F. In central positionssuch as 5.

If you want an all rounded team, for example, you can surround acharacter weak in DFP with characters with Green S.F. There is no fixed way toarrange your party.2) WALKTHROUGHIMPORTANT! I must say first that I have neglected hidden items that I havefelt as insignificant, such as CharredNewts.

I have deliberatelyleft them out, so that e-mail me saying that I have left out soand so hidden item, unless it is a significant value.EPSIS CONTINENTPATOSItems: Hi-potion x2, Hi-magic, Revive, Life Seed, Dagger, Res Ring,Dragon EggThe game starts with a scene of Seela arriving. The first person shemeets turns out to be the hero of the game, you.

After an introductory tussle, Wain will leave, so pissed that he forgets what he was supposed to do.Go right to Wain's house and get the Hi-Potion in the chest. Search the shelfbehind his bed for another Hi-Potion.

Now leave the house and go right to theitem shop. Check the box on its left side for a Hi-Magic. Now, go to the backof the item shop and enter it through the back door by searching the space tothe right of the rooftop.

Take the Res Ring and Dragon Egg in the chests. Nowleave the shop and cross the bridge to the other side.

Go left to the brownhouse and go around it by the small path on the right side. Check the barrelfor a Life Seed. Make your way back and go right to Lamika's house.

Take theDagger in the chest equip it on Wain. Leave the house and go up to the fountain.Search it for a Revive. Now save your game in the church if you want, and teachWein Strong(it will come in use even though Seela will join you soon).

Leave thevllae-enter it, and you will see a scene of Gades, the Sinistral ofDestruction, coming back to life. A bolt is directed at Patos, and Lamika'shouse is set on fire. This is followed by a long 'rescue and recover' scene inwhich Seela keeps on casting Strong on you (why can't she do it when she joinsyou, huh?

Its unfair!!).After the formal introduction, without all the Bolt and evading stuff,Seela joins you on your quest of the 'Great Adventure' (which doesn't sound verygreat). There is no need to buy any equipment now, as you will probably bewasting your gold. So leave Patos and head north-west to the Patos Cave.PATOS CAVEItems: Potion, GoddessTear, Magic Pot, Boomerang, Wake Ring, Jet Ring, Miracle,AntidoteIbla will be waiting for you in the cave. Follow him right to enter thefirst dungeon. After going through the basics of the game. Follow Ibla into theteleporter and leave the cave through the north exit. Continue north and enterthe Tower of Death.TOWER OF DEATHAncient Scrolls: 1F-5F Drive, Head Crush, First Aid, Bolt Attack6F-10FSilhouette, Pause Palm, Persuade, Fire AttackItems: BoltBoomerLevels: 10Before you can go deeper into the tower, Ibla catches up with you andgives you 'Drive'.

This is followed by an explanation of S.F. Aka SpiritualForce, which is very important in the game, so take heed of what he says, hedoesn't repeat it a second time. Now make your way through all 4 floors of thetower and face Gades. It IS possible to defeat him, but you will need to havea bit of luck and about 8-9 Hi-Bombs with you. See the bosses section on howto defeat him. If you defeat him, you will receive the Gades Bracelet, and alotof Skill points. Regardless of whether you defeat him or not, he will stillfry you and Wein will run away.

Before you go, check the left side of the ruins,near where Gades was standing for a Bolt Boomer. Now leave the Tower and headwest to Laphon Cave.LAPHON CAVEAncient Scrolls: Investigate, CrackbusterYou will be warned by the second guard should you attempt to enter theLaphon Cave dungeon as the monsters can easily kill you at your present level.If you wish, you can still enter the dungeon to find some Scrolls beforeleaving. After leaving Laphon Cave, head southwest across a bridge and enterAlbano.ALBANOItems: GoddessTear, Mind Seed, Skill Seed, Wisdom Seed, Miracle(3), Hi-BombGo right to the house with the blue roof and check the two barrels at itsfront for a GoddessTear.

Now go up past the fountain and go left to the back ofthe item shop. About 3 spaces from its right side, there is a secret door justlike the one in Patos. Enter and take the Awake and Sonic Ring in the chests.Leave the item shop and go left to the crates and check them for a Miracle.Continue on left past the entrance of a bridge to the leftmost flowerbed in thecorner. Check it for a Mind Seed. Now enter the house right below and check theright side of the fireplace for a Miracle. After you have done your shopping orsaved your game, cross the bridge and enter Fugo's House.When you walk along the main pathway, you will see Fugo chasing a thiefand a short brawl will ensue between Wein and the thief (looks like the firsttime Dekar met Guy, if you haved played Lufia 2 before:) After the scene, enterFugo's house.

Enter the room with many bookshelves and check the shelf secondfrom the right for a Miracle. Now go up to the 2nd floor and check the right partof the crest in the center for a Hi-Bomb. Enter Etral's room, the room on theleft and search the brown table on the left for a Wisdom Seed. Now go to Fugo'sroom and check the right part of the empty fireplace for a Skill Seed. Leave thetown and head west to Slani Cave.SLANI CAVEAncient Scrolls: B1-B5 Concentrate, Cooking, Holy AttackB6-B12 Pressure Pt.Items: Gold 100, Revive, GoddessTear, BombMake your way to B4 of the cave and follow the path till it forks straightup and right. Take the path up to save your game and then follow the other fork.You will meet Dei, the master thief. After another argument over Wein's brainmatter, Dei escapes and you will have to make your way out of the cave.(Actually,Seela is just as 'stupid') Go back north-east to Majari.MAJARIAncient Scrolls: Dash AttackItems: Angry Ring, Life Seed, Speed Seed, Body Seed, X-potion, Hi-BombTake a walk around town and talk to the people around.

Don't rest in theinn yet! Enter the house in the bottom right hand corner chest.

Then go to theshelf beside the sink to find a Life Seed. Leave the house and search the welloutside for a Speed Seed.

Now go up to the brown house. See the barrel on theright side of the house? Check it out for a X-potion. Go further up to the 3stumps. Check the rightmost stump for a Body Seed.

Enter the house itself andtake the Angry Ring in the chest. And now here comes the cool part, move down tothe back of the Inn/Weapon shop and go to the square that is just to the rightof the pinnacle of the roof. Enter the back of the inn and take the Hi-Bomb inthe chest, then talk to the innkeeper for a free stay!Save your game if you want to and try leaving the village. A monster comescharging into the village and Kobin is hurt. Dei appears (where the heck did hehide?!)and you team up to fight the Belumie.

After you defeat the Belumie, Fugoappears and shows his 'gratitude' for all your trouble. Dei is captured andKobin tries to save him but entrusts you with the mission instead, giving you'Dash Attack'. Now leave Majari and go south back to Albano.ALBANOItems: Miracle, Bug CrushGo all the way to Fugo's House and enter the room with many bookshelveson the 1st floor. Check the 4th bookshelf from the left and a secret passagewaywill be opened.

Reservoir dogs imdb. Enter the passage and check the red statue on the left for aMiracle. Open the chest to get Bug Crush. Equip it on Wein and descend thestairs.

Go down one more flight of stairs to emerge in Fugo's basement B2.FUGO'S BASEMENTAncient Scrolls: Lock-On, Dash Attack, InstinctItems: Gold 100, X-potion, Hi-magic, X-magic, Life Seed, Lthr Shld, Trick RingBasements: 7After you go past B7, make your way to the Healing Point and check thegrating on the right for a Lthr Shld. Save your game and go forward to fightthe Belamie. After defeating it, check the gold piles for a Trick Ring, Gold100 and High Magic. Open the chests for an X-Magic and X-potion. GO throughthe gate and take the Life Seed in the chest before talking to Dei.

Now leavethe dungeon. The moment you go through the bookshelf, you will be caught by thelibrarian and your party will escape. Just as they are about to leave, Gadesappears again! It is possible to defeat him here also. If you manage to, youwill get the Gadesblade.After the incident, you can talk to the carpenter in front of thedestroyed house for help in rebuilding Melissa's house in Pato. But he will notbe able to start work until you find a certain wood on the Lidal continent. Ifyou wish, you can also talk to Lurissa (the girl surrounded by flowers) in Majarito rescue her father in Laphon Cave.

You will get a Dragon Egg for your efforts.Note: If you come back and talk to Etral after defeating Gades, you can get aDragon Egg.BROFFO CAVEAncient Scrolls: PuzzleDON'T enter the dungeon! I repeat again, DO NOT enter the dungeon! This isno joke this time, the monsters are very strong and it is impossible to defeatthem now. Enter at your own risk! For now, just pass through the cave and gonorth-west to Siantao. You will get a chance to bash up the monsters much later,if you want to complete the ultimate sidequest, the Ancient Cave.SIANTAOItems: Hi-potion, X-magic x2, GoddessTear, Smallboomer, X-bomb x2, Speed Seed,Wisdom Seed, Skill Seed, Mind Seed, Power Seed, Poison RingThe port city of Epsis, currently being harrassed by a bunch of thugs.(Lufia2 players should recognize the music here:) Go up past the first stackof crates and check the single crate in the second stack for a X-Magic. Nowcontinue up past the ship and enter the brown house.

Take the Small-Boomer inthe pail and go up to the 2nd floor. Check the cupboard for a X-Bomb and takethe X-Magic in the chest. Leave the house and go left to the small park. Searchthe flowers at the end for a Speed Seed. Now go down to the back of the item shopfor another 'backdoor' and take the Wisdom, Mind, Skill Seed and Poison Ring.Enter the shop through its entrance and go to the bottom left hand corner for aGoddessTear. Leave the shop and go down to the crate on the left of the inn andsearch it for a Power Seed. Now save your game if you wish and go to the back ofthe house you got the X-Bomb from.You will meet the Garland gang threathening a girl.

Before you can save her,Aima appears and gets rid of them. After the introduction, a messenger willappear and say that Leong Temple is on fire. After Aima leaves, check the barrelon the right for a Hi-Potion and head north-east to Leong Temple.LEONG TEMPLEItems: ConfuPowder, Life SeedThe moment you enter, check the front of the left statue for ConfuPowderand the side of the right statue for a Life Seed. Continue all the way up to theLeong Temple. Aima will be standing inside the burnt temple. Talk to her and shewill join your party in order to rescue her master.

Now head west to the Gang'sHideout.GANG'S HIDEOUTAncient Scrolls: Blind, Accurate, Seal Palm, AssassinateItems: Fake Ring, Life Seed, ReviveBasements: 6There will be two Garland Gang fighters guarding the entrance to the cave.Note that these two enemies are stronger than the normal ones in the cave. Theyshould not be too much of a pain. Knock them out and enter the dungeon. Themonsters here are mainly the same as in Laphon Cave. After reaching the bottom,turn right at the fork and take the items in the 3 chests. Save your game if youwish and head back and up to the room to fight the Garland Boss, who is quite ahard boss.

After defeating him, you will get the Prison Key. Now leave the roomand head right to unlock the room that holds Aima's master. After a short reunion,a quake will occur and Aima will suggest leaving the cave. Make your way out ofthe dungeon and head back east to Siantao.SIANTAO/LEONG TEMPLEAncient Scroll: Energy PunchItems: HiPow RingWhen you enter the village, it has been destroyed completely. Seems likeTHE pain in the ass is back again. Talk to him and your party will attempt tofight him again but this time you don't even get to go to battle.

A tragicconfrontation ensues between Aima's Master and Gades. After Aima buries hermaster at Leong temple, she will formally join you and you will get the A.S.'

Energy Punch'. Check the master's grave for a HiPow Ring.

Now head all the wayback south to the Tower of Death.TOWER OF DEATHAncient Scrolls: 1F-5F Drive, Head Crush, First Aid, Bolt Attack6F-10FSilhouette, Pause Palm, Persuade, Fire AttackItems: ColdrapierLevels: 10Go up past to the 4th floor and past the ruins, where you could notenter before. Take the Coldrapier in the chest. Go further into the tower andpast the 10th floor. Continue up until you reach the healing point and save point.Save your game and enter the room to fight Gades for the third time. This time isnot a rehearsal like the previous two, its a real do-or-die battle! Good thing isthat Gades is much weaker here than before (or that you are stronger:) so youshould be able to defeat him quite easily.

After defeating him alas(yay!), castescape to get out of the tower and head north back to Siantao.Note: You can go back to Albano now and talk to Etral in Fugo's mansion to geta Dragon Egg.LIDAL CONTINENTSIANTAO/CAANItems: Body Seed, Unded RingGo towards the jetty and talk to the captain to sail to Lidal continent.You will arrive in Caan, the port city of Lidal. Head up and enter the houseabove and check the bookshelf behind the bed for a Body Seed. Go further upand around the back of the item shop. Search it for the usual backdoor and takethe Unded Ring and Iceboomer in the chests. You can also talk to the shopkeeperto buy different things if you go by the backdoor, but they are pretty useless.Leave the shop and head right past the inn to the house in the right-hand corner.Enter the house and take the Mind Seed at the stove. Open the chest for a Miracle.Now exit the house and check the crates on its right side for a Dragon Fang.DO NOT use the inn the normal way, it costs 200G! Try going through its backdoor.When you have done all that you need to do, try exiting Caan.

An old knightwill appear, wounded, and mumbling about saving the Princess. Before you canstop him, he rushes out again. Leave Caan and head northeast to the DesertedLighthouse.DESERTED LHAncient Scrolls: F. Barrier, Dark Sword, Scatter Hit, CureItems: Ghost Ring, ReviveLevels: 11When you enter, fight your way up to level 6. There you will meet theold warrior that you saw in Caan. Fight the TowerSnake and Randolph will joinyou. Continue and make your way up further to the top level.

Check the two roomson the left and right side for a Revive and Ghost Ring. There are also savepoints and heal points in the rooms. Go to the centre platform and you will seethe Princess Melphis fighting the DevilGrome. After joining her and defeatingthe grome, the princess will be introduced to your party and she will join you.Now head south-east to Tomis Cave.TOMIS CAVEAncient Scrolls: Force ShieldItems: Jump RingBasements: 7Go straight to the dungeon itself and go right for the exit. Once again,you will be warned of going into the cave as the monsters are strong. This time,they are not as strong as in the Broffo Cave.

Still, enter at your own risk! Ifyou do manage to survive, you should be able to gain in levels quite a bit. Whenyou get to the bottom, you will find a chest containing the Jump Ring, whichincreases your speed by 50. Actually, this cave is part of the Cat Ring subquest.You can try the sub-quest by talking to Rudo in the house you first enter in Caan.If you do not wish to enter, just leave the cave and come back later on.

Afterexiting the cave, head south-east to the port town of Tomis. Note that you mightsee a bridge to the east of Tomis. This bridge will lead to the Copley Forest,which you cannot enter as yet.TOMISItems: X-potion, Wisdom Seed, Lucky Erng, Sanity RngTalk to the lady when you first enter the town. She will tell you whatis happening in Tomis and about the pirates. Now enter the inn right above andtake the X-potion in the chest.

Go round the back of the inn and search the lonecrate in the left corner for a Wisdom Seed. Now head down towards the back ofthe item shop. As usual, there is a backdoor. Enter and take the Lucky Erng andSanity Rng. After you have done saving,resting and learning magic(Absorb isTHE spell! Rylands.

Be sure to teach it to Seena and Melphis), head to the house in thecenter and talk to the lady. Buy the ferry ticket and head for the dock. Enrouteto the next continent, pirates will attack you.After Wein is insulted yet again -, Aima will display her skills (booto the crybaby!) on the pirates. After the guards are take care of, you will befree to move.SHIP/PIRATE SHIPAncient Scrolls: Charge, DoubleKick, Ice Attack, Split AttkItems: BoltBoomer, Life Seed, Power Seed, Chill RingBasements: 5First, check out the room behind you, on your own ship. There will be ahealing point.

Search the cupboard beside the bed for a Life Seed. Now cross theplank and enter the room on the pirate ship. Check the stack of crates for aBoltBoomer and take the Revive in the chest. Now go down the stairs to thedungeon itself.

Make your way through the dungeon and you will eventually reacha cabin. Enter the room and take the Wisdom Seed and Chill Ring in the chests.There is also a Skill Seed in the leftmost shelf. You can also use the bed inthe upper right corner if you wish to heal yourself. Now head back to thecorridor and carry on. Check the left barrel of the two barrels on the way for aPower Seed. In the pirate's room, there is also a Dragon Fang in the barrels onthe left.After you defeat the Pirate Head, leave the dungeon.

Just as you are crossingthe plank to the other ship, another ship will come rushing at you. MeetDeckard, the good pirate. After the pirate ship is sliced into half, you willreturn to Tomis(safely:).TOMIS/PIRATE ISLANDAncient Scrolls: Split Attk, Ice Attack, Charge, DoubleKickItems: Potion, X-potion x2, GoddessTear, Speed Seed, Wisdom Seed, Giant Ring,Wizrd Ring, Miracle, Wing Ring, Skill Seed, Smart Ring, Dragon EggBasements: 14Head to the ticket house and talk to the small boy Keit. He willpromise to lead you to the pirates' hideout.

Now take a trip on the ferry onceagain and you will head to Pirate Island.After you land on the beaches, head left and take the Giant Ring in thechest. Now head to the other end at the left and take the Speed Seed.

Enter thedungeon itself. Most of the enemies here are similar to the ones in the PirateShip, except for a few exceptions. When you reach the first bottom, go all theway to the right first. Ignore the room that you will pass. Enter the room atthe end and take the X-potion and Potion in chest.

Now enter the room with thesavepoint that you passed at first. You will be caught in a trap. After a shortscene with the Pirate Boss, he will leave with Melphis and you will fight theAlligator.After you defeat the wimp, the pirate guards will escape and you willbe free to move again. Leave through where the Aligator came from, and enterthe teleporter.

You will end up in the place where you fell for the trapearlier. Take the Dragon Egg, Miracle and Wing Ring. Now go back to the roomwith the cage. Make a round about the cage and go out to the corridor.

Go leftand take the GoddessTear in the barrel. Enter the room above and take theWisdom Seed, Revive and Wizrd Ring.Jump down the hole to go back to the enclosure once more.

Make yourway to the corridor and take the right fork now. Go down the stairs and gofurther through the dungeon until you reach the bottom B15. Follow the pathand you will end up the Pirate Boss' room. To the left, there is a Hi-potion inthe barrel beside the crates. To the right, there is a Skill Seed in thebarrels. Finally, step onto the platform and face the Pirate Boss. After youdefeat him, take the Smart Rng and X-potion in the chests before making yourway into the teleporter.

You will be transported out of the cave. Talk to thefallen Keit and you will set off on a chase for the Pirate Boss.

Deckard willcome to help once again and he will join you in the final showdown with the BigSquido. After defeating the Big Squido, the Pirate Boss will finally be defeated.The ship will then make its way back to Tomis.After you leave Tomis, make your way east across the bridge and enterCopley Forest.COPLEY FORESTAncient Scrolls: TyphoonToss, Stealth HitItems: Good WoodStages: 8After you have gone through about 4 stages of the dungeon, you willfind that you are caught in some form of maze. After several times of walkingthrough the same place, Seena will get fustrated and quarrel with Wein. Shewill leave and you will have to proceed without her. After going through thedungeon, you will meet up with Seela and the forest spirit Mousse who will joinyour party.(while Wein goes for a spin:) Before you leave Copley Forest, checkthe big tree in the clearing to get the Good Wood.

Now head north to Cobe.At this point, you can warp back to Patos and hand the Good Wood toGrantz for rebuilding Lamika's house. She will give you a Dragon Egg in return.Enter the newly rebuilt house and take the Miracle in the chest before warpingback to Cobe.COBEItems: X-magic, Power Seed, Speed Seed, Weird Ring, Wizrd RingEnter the item shop/inn and go to where the beds are. Check the bottomright bed for a Speed Seed and take the Weird Ring in the chest. Go up to thesecond floor and check the armor in the lower left corner for a X-magic. Nowleave the shop and go around the back and search for the hidden backdoor. Takethe Wizrd Ring in the chest.

Also, go down and right to the well to get PowerSeed. You might want to teach Melphis Champion X, as the spell will be of greatuse in future, even though it takes a whopping 1500 LP. When you are ready,leave Cobe and head towards the Tower of Illusion.TWR. ILLUSIONAncient Scrolls: 1F-10F R.Blade, Cure Force, Vital Aim11F-15F Holy Sword, FinalDance, Jump SlashItems: Life Seed, Absorber, Sanity RingLevels: 15Go up to L10 and head right first before entering the middle room.Take the Life Seed, Sanity Ring and Absorber. Enter the center room and fightGeneral Gohl. After you defeat him, he will reveal that the Ultra Weapon hasfallen into the hands of Deraf.

Leave the Tower and head west across the bridgeto Alstadt castle. After Melphis talks about the route by sea, head back toCobe.COBEGo to the wharf and talk to Nicky. After debating with him, he finallyvolunteers to ship your party to Alstadt kingdom.

When you are confronted by abattleship, Deckard emerges once more but he refuses to help. But when thebattleship comes alongside your ship, Deckard jumps to your boat to fightalongside you against the Battleship. After you defeat the Battleship, Deckardwill join you for good and you will head to Alstadt.ALSTADT KINGDOM/DNGN.Ancient Scrolls: Grounder, FalconDanceItems: Hi-potion, Big Boomer, Boltboomer, Hi-bomb, X-bomb x2, Revive,GoddessTear x2, Miracle x2, Life Seed, Wisdom Seed, Mind Seed x2,Skill Seed, Prtec Ring, Sanity Rng, Witch Ring, CrownBasements: 11After you enter Alstadt, go down and left into a room like a weaponstorehouse.

At the far upper right corner behind the cannon, there is a LifeSeed. The guard will also sell weapons to you. Now head left and you will meeta priest who also acts as a inn. Now enter the dungeon. The monsters in thedungeon are pretty fast, even faster than Dei. You have to go up in this dungeon,instead of going down as per normal.

When you reach the top, check the paintingfor a Big Boomer. Go down and check the flower emblem for a Boltboomer. Exitthrough the opening and go left to the painting beside the plant for a WisdomSeed.

Now enter the passage between the plants to the crosspaths. Enter the leftroom and check the center bookshelf for a Miracle. Go to the right and searchthe right wall candlestick for a GoddessTear. Take the Mind Seed, Prtec Ring andRevive in the chests. Straight ahead will be a church. If you want, there is aHi-potion at the right trees when you just exit the castle.Now go up the stairs and check the mirror for a Hi-bomb. Melphis' roomis on the right and you can use the bed to rest there.

There is also a Mind Seedat the fireplace. In the left room, there are 4 chests containing GoddessTear,Miracle, Sanity Rng and Witch Ring. When you are ready, enter the center roomto fight Deraf. After you defeat him, search the throne for a Crown. Go straightahead until you reach Deraf once more.

You will have to fight the Ultra Weapon.After the weapon goes down, a man clad in golden armor will appear. Meet Amon,the Sinistral of Chaos, the one who turned Deraf evil. After Amon leaves, takethe Skill Seed and GoddessTear in the two chests and leave the castle.Go left and up to the upper right corner. Check the castle wall fora Body Seed.

Leave through the main entrance. As you are leaving the kingdom,check the front of the two cannons outside to get 2 X-bombs. Now head back eastto the Tower of Illusion.TWR.

ILLUSIONAncient Scrolls: 1F-10F R.Blade, Cure Force, Vital Aim11F-15F Holy Sword, FinalDance, Jump SlashMake your way past where you fought General Gohl before and headfurther up into the tower. The monsters on the higher levels are strong, so becareful! The Medusas can easily confuse or paralyze all your characters andthe High Hydras do alot of damage too. When you reach the top dais, you willfight Amon, the second Sinistral.

After you defeat Amon, leave the tower andhead back to Alstadt Kingdom.ALSTADT KINGDOMWhen you enter the kingdom, go to the bridge leading to the castle.Amon will appear once again and attempt to create chaos once more before hedies. After the scene, Deckard's real identity will be revealed. You will nowbe able to use Deckard's boat and can access places like the Ancient Cave. Butyou will be unable to enter most of the other dungeons in the other 2continents, so head east to Elcoranos on Fante Continent.FANTE CONTINENTELCORANOSItems: GoddessTear, X-magic x3, Miracle, Power Seed, Dragn RingHead right from the entrance into the inn and take the GoddessTear inthe barrel. As usual, there is a backdoor that will allow you to use the innfor free.

Make your way around the back of the inn and check the barrel for aX-magic. Enter the house above and check the single shelf in the room foranother X-magic. Also, check the chest for yet another X-magic.

Leave and goleft and down and enter the item shop through its backdoor. Take the Power Seedand Dragn Ring in the chests. Leave the shop and go round the front.

Check thecrates on the left for a Miracle. Talk to the soldier at the fountain and leavethe town.

Head east to Mistra Cave.MISTRA CAVEAncient Scrolls: Speed Attk, Bolt Sword, Force ShotItems: X-magic, Miracle, DestBladeBasements: 10Go straight upon entering the cave. When you come to a crossroads, goright first. Stand below the pillar and face right towards the lava. Search itfor the DestBlade.

Now go right and into the dungeon. When you reach B10, goup for the save point and healing point.

Now head to the extreme right and takethe Miracle and X-magic in the chests. Enter the centre room and you will fightthe Ancient Dragon with Conas and another soldier. After you defeat the dragon,leave the cave and head back to Elcorano.ELCORANOItems: Dragon Scale(optional)Go to the fountain and talk to Conas. He will attempt to confess hislove for Karinas. But before he can do so, the mother of the Ancient Dragonappears (you weren't thinking that it was going to be that easy, were you:)This battle is like the first and second battle with Gades, whether you win ornot does not matter. If you do win, the dragon will drop a Dragon Scale armor,which has high magic protection. Whether you defeat the dragon or not, amystery man will appear and finish it off.

He is Daos, the Sinistral of Doom,the leader of all the Sinistrals. He will kill Conas and the entire party willbe shocked by the power of Daos. After seeing your strongest foe so far, headback to Mistra cave and continue south to Redwood.REDWOODItems: X-potion, X-magic, Life Seed, Luck BladeWelcome to the casino town of Lufia! Upon entering, go to the upperright-hand corner of the town.

Enter the house and check the fireplace for aLife Seed. Go behind the house and check the barrel for a X-potion. The churchis at the left corner, and there are useful spells such as Sleep and Mirrorthat you can learn. Now enter the Casino in the centre of town.

You will meetthe expert gambler Ruby for the first time. After the scene with Tak, go to theupper right corner and take the X-magic in the chest. On the second floor isthe registration for the Monster Track and on the third floor is the item shop.Register for the Monster Track and go down to first floor again. Check the areaon the table to the left of Tak for a Luck Blade.

Leave the casino and head tothe inn to rest.AZOLES CAVEAncient Scrolls: Afterimage, Heavy NoiseItems: Speed Seed, Mind Seed, Rockt Ring, HiPow RingBasements: 10Fight your way through the dungeon until the bottom. The monstersare rather strong in Azoles, with hard monsters like Trolls and KillerArmrs.When you reach the bottom, head to the right end to the save point and takethe Rockt Ring, Mind Seed and HiPow Ring in the chests. Now enter the centerroom and you will meet Ruby once again. After the brief tussle with Tak, youwill fight the Big Mouth with Ruby.

After the battle, Ruby will be introducedto the team and Wein will.(as usual, insults:) Before leaving the cave, goto the left and take the Speed Seed in the chest. Warp back to Redwood and goto the second floor of the casino and talk to the Monster Track organiser,Leydock. He will invite you to his mansion.Head back to Azoles Cave and go straight through to the other side.Leydock's mansion will be to the east.LEYDOCK'S MNSN./LEYDOCK'S DNGN.Ancient Scrolls: CrossMirage, SupportItems: X-potion, GoddessTear x4, Hi-magic x2, Miracle x2, FireBoomer, BigBoomer,Mind Seed, Dragon EggBasements: 5Upon reaching the fountain, head right and up and take the Revivein the chest. Now enter the mansion and go up to the 2nd floor. Walk pastLeydock and enter the left room.

Check the leftmost bookshelf for a GoddessTear.Enter the right room and check the bed for a Big Boomer and take the Miracleand GoddessTear in the chests. Go up to the 3rd floor and go to the rightmostcubicle and take the Dragon Egg in the chest.

Go further up to the other tworooms. Take the GoddessTear in the chest and check the cupboard in the otherroom for a Hi-magic. Now go back to the second floor and talk to Leydock, hewill prepare a sumptous feast for your party. All of the members except Deiwill eat the food, which turns out to be drugged. (Talk about being destinedto fight Sinistrals, even Wein needs Dei to rescue him:)You will end up in the Leydock mansion dungeon. Save your game andheal if you wish.

Now head right along the pathway. Check the crest on the wayfor a GoddessTear.

Continue till you enter the room with the soldier and enterthe dungeon itself. Try to avoid fighting as it is not worth it with only Deiand Wein.

When you reach B5, go up at the first path you see. Take theFireBoomer and Mind Seed.

Continue all the way left and down to a room andtake the Hi-magic and X-potion in the chests. Now go back up and enter thecentre room. You will discover the horrible purpose of Leydock and its reallygross. X(After you defeat Leydock, check the second 'statue' from the rightfor a Miracle. Leave the mansion and head east and north to Tanba.NOTE: It is possible now to try the Egg Dragon subquest as you can now accessall the Dragon Eggs.

But it will be rather inconvenient. I wouldrecommend waiting until after the Tower of Sorrow, when you get a betterform of transport.TANBAItems: X-potion, Hi-magic, X-magic, GoddessTear x2, Miracle, Life Blade,Bunny RingGo right and enter the inn. Go up to the 2nd floor and check thecupboard at the left for a Bunny Ring. Exit the inn and go to the left of theitem shop.

Check the barrel for a X-magic. Enter the shop and take the Hi-magicin the chest. Now go around the back of the shop and enter through its backdoor.Take the GoddessTear, X-potion, X-magic and Miracle in the chests. Leave theshop and go up to the Tanba cemetery. Check the tombstone in the upper rightcorner for a Life Blade. Now go right down to the church and go round the treeson the right. Go to the left corner and check the side of the church for aGoddessTear.

After you have finished your business, head north into Tanba cave.TANBA CAVEAncient Scrolls: Chaff, Shadow HitPresently, the dungeon in the cave is too hard for your party(unless you have spent time in the Ancient Cave and have the Legendary Weaponswith you). The monsters in the cave are those of the last dungeon, such asLucifer. The stuff at the bottom is useful only if you are trying the EggDragon subquest. So just go right and head for the Tower of Sorrow for now.TWR. OF SORROWAncient Scrolls: 1F-6F ScatterMist, Strong Cure7F-13F White Whale, UltimateBet14F-20F Fire Sword, ReviveMake your way up to 7F and go to the center to fight Daos for thefirst time. After flaunting his power, Daos will stop the battle and Jan willhit him with a killing blow.

Take the Hi-magic and Revive in the two chests atthe side and leave the Tower for now, going back to Tanba.Note: It is possible to defeat Daos within the 3 rounds. Check the Boss sectionfor tips.TANBAItems: Engag RingHead towards the town square and you will see the wedding betweenJan and Sammi. But halfway through, an uninvited guest appears and the entirewedding results in a tragedy. You will fight Daos again, with him ending thebattle in 3 rounds as before. Why can't he just fight!!) After Jan isburied, check his grave for a Engag Ring.

(why would a wedding ring be able tobargain with merchants?!) Leave the town and head northwest to Mologoro.Note: As in the Tower, you can kill him before he ends the battle. If you do,you will get a very cool piece of equipment.MOLOGOROItems: Revive, Hi-magic x2, X-magic, Smallboomer, GoddessTear, Mind Seed,Body Seed, Bunny TrayCheck the barrels to the left of the inn for a Hi-magic. Now goleft and round to the back of the item shop and enter it's backdoor.

Take theX-magic and Mind Seed in the chests. Now go left and up past the bridge and goaround the church to the town's upper left corner. Check the second fence fromthe left for a Body seed.

Go all the way to the right and enter the house there.Check the shelf beside the sink for a Smallboomer and take the Revive in thechest. Now enter the lab and go up to the 2nd floor. Take the Bunny Tray in thechests.

Go up to the 3rd floor and check the chest for a GoddessTear. Go to theroom on the right and search the plans on the table for a Hi-magic. Now leaveMologoro and head south across the sea to Gologolo Cave.(Note: If your ship is elsewhere, just cast warp to Mologoro on the world mapand your ship should appear on the beach)GOLOGOLO CAVEAncient Scrolls: Solid AttkItems: Revive, X-magic x2, GoddessTear, Miracle, Life SeedBasements: 9Check the chest at the right for a X-magic. Now enter the dungeonand make your way to B9.

Beware of the Samurais and Ninjas as they both haveone-hit KO attacks. When you reach the bottom, go all the way down and checkthe chests for GoddessTear, X-magic and Life Seed. Go up and head right to aroom where Isaac is. The digging machine will wake a Fire Dragon up, who willblow your butts out of the cave:) Isaac will then take you and your ship backto Tanba. You can go back to the bottom of Gologolo cave as there are itemsthat can be found. There is a Revive in the hole under the digging machine andthere is also a Miracle inside the lava where the Fire Dragon came out from.Now go by ship to the back of the Tower of Sorrow and enter the Tanba shrine.TANBA SHRINEAncient Scrolls: Shadowdance, Heal ForceItems: Hi-magic, X-magic, GoddessTear x2, Miracle, Power SeedLevels: 10When you enter, check the left stand on the second row of standsfor a Revive.

Take the GoddessTear and Power Seed in the chests. After goingthrough the door, check the right stand on the third row of stands for aHi-magic.

Now enter the dungeon and make your way up to 10F. Beware of theDemons as they are difficult to kill. If you have the Jump Ring, equip it onWein to kill the Demons easier. When you reach L10, go straight up and take theMiracle in the chest. Now go down to the junction and head all the way right anddown and take the X-magic.

Also, go up and take the GoddessTear in the otherchest. If you wish to beat Daos later on, you should have the Red Beret andUnded Ring to make things easier. You should also have a strong weapon for Wein,such as the Alum Blade or Maxim Blade. So de-equip them from whoever is using it.Now enter the centre room where the Floatium is. Seena and Wein will be suckedinto the Floatium and stranded in the Tower of Sorrow.TWR.

OF SORROWAncient Scrolls: 1F-6F ScatterMist, Strong Cure7F-13F White Whale, UltimateBet14F-20F Fire Sword, ReviveItems: X-magicYou will be warped to the 14th floor of the tower. There will bea heal and save point and also a old man who sells items that can be equippedby Seela and Wein.

Take the X-magic in the chest and enter the dungeon. Makeyour way up to the 20th floor and you will fight Daos once again. It is possibleto defeat him here, but even if you don't, it doesn't matter.

If you do, youwill get the Daos Ring. No matter what the outcome, Daos will fry you and therest of the party will come to your rescue. You can now use the airship, whichis the fastest form of transport. You can also access Rosplett Continent andthe Al Cave in the center of the map, directly below Gulduck.

Now head back tothe Tower of Sorrow.This time, go up to L7 and go ahead where you previously could not.Take the Miracle in the chest and continue up. Go all the way up to L20. There,you will meet Daos in a final confrontation. After you defeat him, leave thetower and head south to Rosplett Continent. Go through the Rosplett forest andenter the village of Midy.ROSPLETT CONTINENTMIDYItems: Hi-potion x3, X-magic, Boltboomer, Miracle x2, Skill Seed, BunnysuitGo straight up and check the barrel beside the inn for a MindSeed. Enter the inn and take the GoddessTear in the chest. Now head left tothe shop stump and enter through its backdoor.

Take the Hi-potion, Mystery Pin,Boltboomer and Miracle. (Try talking to the shopkeeper, hehe) Now go up acrossthe bridge and go left. Check the barrels for a Miracle.

Head right and enterthe treehouse. Check the sink for a Hi-potion.

Now go up to the 2nd floor andtake the X-magic in the chest. Also, check the cupboards for a Bunnysuit andSkill Seed. Go outside on the 2nd floor and check the left corner for aHi-potion. Now talk to the female elf in the room and she will tell you thatMilka is waiting for you at the Rosplett Shrine. So head south-east to theRosplett Shrine.ROSPLETT SHRNAncient Scrolls: Card Stream, EnergyPunch, Force WaveItems: Revive, Hi-magic x2Levels: 10Go straight and take the Hi-magic and Revive in the chests. Nowenter the dungeon and make your way up to L10.

Beware of the monsters in thecave, especially the Hydra and the Leech. The Hydra can attack 8 times withquite a high ATP! The Leech has such a high MAP that if any of your charactersget hit by a single-person spell, he or she will probably die. The Leech alsocan cast Destroy, so kill all Leeches at sight!!

When you reach the top, talkto Milka in the centre. She will tell you about Dual Blade and the resurrectionof the Sinistrals before joining you.

Check the orb before leaving for aHi-magic. Now take the airship and head northwest to the islands in the centreof the map. There will be a cave on the largest island.