Strangers In A Strange Land Aircraft

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All about Strangers in a Strange Land, Vol. Aircraft in German Hands during WW II by Hans-Heiri Stapfer. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social.

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As it turns out, humans have made some pretty strange aircraft over the years.From inflatable planes to flying pancakes, here is a roundup of the most terrifying, insane, and experimental aircraft to take to the skies. The HZ1 AerocycleSomebody take a picture. This is crazyIt takes a very brave man to look at this contraption and decide to hop aboard.I have a great idea! We build a helicopter, but let’s put the dangerous rotating blades below the pilot.The idea behind the Aerocycle was to develop a cheap helicopter for wartime so that our boys could easily zip around and spy on the enemies. This deathtrap was designed to be controlled entirely by shifting the body’s weight around.

However, this was no Segue. As awesome as it was, the plane failed in the safety department at the worst possible moment.During a demonstration for naval officials and the press in 1954, the plane disintegrated in midair, killing it’s test pilot and generally freaking everyone out.It was found that the pilot exceeded the limitations of the plane’s frame, but apparently seeing a man disintegrate sticks with you because after the failed demonstration the Sea Dart was kept out of production. The Caponi Ca 60If only we could fit some more wings on hereAn oldie but a goodie, at least until it crashed and burned literally.This “plane” was created back when aviation was new and everyone was still trying to figure out the whole physics thing. The Caponi came from an idea that more wings would mean that bigger things could fly. You know, because bigger birds have more wings, right?Sure, things may have ended badly, but this weird plane did manage to get 60 feet in the air before beginning its first and last descent.Amazingly, the pilot escaped the wreckage unharmed. Onlookers claim he just kept saying “nope!” over and over again. Tribes of israel.

However, the plane had one very big problem; it was inflatable.And as it turns out, inflatable objects are also pretty fragile.If you are planning a peaceful joy ride, an inflatable plane might be cool. However, this plane was ordered by the military for use in wartime. It was as fragile as a balloon and things like bullets, which admittedly are quite rare during war, could easily bring it down. The Hiller X-18What do we do with this?The Hiller x-18 was conceived in 1955 and had its first flight in 1959. This plane was the testing ground for tilt-wing and vertical takeoff and landing planes.

The plane had 20 successful flights but it was discovered that the wings had difficulty rotating when there were high winds.Regardless, the ideas that were pioneered by this plane continued to be researched and developed for a number of years. This cargo plane may look like a very strange aircraft when the wings are at full tilt but it featured technology that would lead to some pretty cool stuff.For example, the XC 142 evolved directly from the Hiller X-18. You can watch a video showing it in action. Curtiss-Wright VZ-7Why me?This unique creation definitely belongs on any list of strange aircraft. It was designed in 1958 as a “flying jeep” for the U.S. Army.The aircraft was reportedly easy to fly and featured four propellers that were attached on both sides of the fuselage. While it was able to perform the tasks requested, it was not able to meet the Army’s standards and was therefore discontinued.We can only imagine that this aircraft would likely have similar problems to the inflatable plane and the Aerocycle due to the pilot being so exposed.


You’d think the Army would stop ordering aircraft with no protection, but no. Mil V-12It’s the hotel-o-copter.You gotta give it to the Russians. That is one big helicopter.Even though there were only two prototypes of this plane built in the late 1960s, it remains to this day as the largest helicopter ever created. The helicopter raised eyebrows among engineers when it was first unveiled, and it was issued a number of awards and is the holder of several world records. By the time the helicopter was ready for production, more efficient alternatives had been developed, and the project was discontinued.

North American X-15I said faster!!This plane was so fast, it had to take off from another plane going full speed.The X-15 is little more than a rocket with a cockpit just large enough for a pilot. It was developed in the 1960s and broke all kinds of speed and altitude records. It was even able to reach the edge of space, bringing back valuable research information for scientists at NASA.It is also one of the few aircraft that was able to bring its pilots more than 50 miles high, earning them astronaut status.

Sweet.Here is some video footage. Earthworm jim 2 pc.